Preparing To Put Your Home On The Market

Nothing is more nerve-racking than that first impression. It’s the most important one, and it can mean the difference between selling fast and enduring a selling process that is long, stressful, and full of headaches.

Before putting your home on the market, let’s take some time to consider what potential buyers will be looking for, and what you can do to make sure your home stands out and isn’t forgotten in the shuffle.

Here are three simple tips for sprucing up to sell quick.


First, take some time to remove and pack all things that aren’t deemed absolutely necessary for the day-to-day function of your home, including personal decorations, knick-knacks, and mementos. This is a task that you will inevitably take on anyway, so think of this as a way to get a head start on moving.

To make things even easier for you later on, be critical about how much you actually need some of the clutter that you’re “decluttering.” It may surprise you how much junk you’ve accumulated over time. Sell, donate, or throw away — what better time to make your moving load a little lighter than now?


Leave nothing untouched, and no surface overlooked. There’s no such thing as being “too thorough.” Here are some places to start:

  • Carpets
  • Tile & Grout
    • This can include floors, backsplashes, showers and any other place where you might find tile in your home.
  • Wood Floors
  • Rugs
  • Upholstery
  • Ceilings & Ceiling Fans
  • Countertops
  • Cabinets
  • Windows
  • Outdoors
    • Dirty patios, dirty doors, and umkempt lawns are an almost certain way to deter potential buyers.
  • Odor Control
    • Whether they’re coming from the kitchen or the litter box, it’s imperative to be aware of and handle any unpleasant odors in your home.

Feeling like you’re forgetting something? Allow us to help: 25 Spring Cleaning Must-Do’s


Now’s the time to take care of all those things that you said you would do “this weekend.” When it comes to repairs, there’s also no such thing as being “too thorough.” Be nitpicky and take some time to consider all loose knobs, leaky faucets, and anything else that’s easy to overlook but will be noticed by new people exploring your home. This can also go on to include larger, more severe damages to areas such as floors, windows, walls, or exterior features.

This is also an excellent opportunity to remodel certain areas of your home to a more neutral tone. This includes bright accent wall colors (think bright pink walls), furniture that stands out, or any other accents that could distract buyers from focusing on the space and imagining it as their own.

It’s true: selling a home can seem like a daunting and overwhelming task. It’s a process that feels like it’s going to take forever, and it’s hard to know where to start. But by letting these three steps serve as a first step, you can be sure to stay ahead of your to-do list and spruce up in a way that will help you sell fast.

If your cleaning tasks have you feeling overwhelmed, click below to let Carpet Tech lend an extra hand on going the extra mile for your home!

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