Carpet Tech’s Hot Water Extraction Cleans And Disinfects

Now more than ever keeping our homes safe and clean means being able to kill germs and microbes that can make us sick. Carpet Tech’s hot water extradition process actually heats water to 220 degrees, which we can prove disinfects, killing microbes that nestle in your carpets upholstery and tile.

Many professional carpet cleaners will shampoo your floors. While shampooing in moderation can provide short-term benefits, it does not kill the germs that our hot water extraction process does. Plus, it’s common for carpets to be overwhelmed with moisture when they undergo a shampooing, causing damage that is potentially irreversible when they are not dried properly. The amount of dirt calling your carpet home may be more than you realize, and resorting straight to wet shampooing will just turn that into mud, making it next to impossible to extract it efficiently and effectively.

Learn More: 5 Professional Carpet Cleaning Myths Debunked

Most people’s DIY go-to for carpet cleaning is carpet shampoo, but we’re here to tell you (judging from our own experience) that this is by no means the best way to go about it if you’re looking for a long-term solution. Instead, let’s take a look at what Carpet Tech can offer.


Believe it or not, it all starts with vacuuming! Vacuuming is necessary for picking up any dry soil and loose debris that may be present in your carpet. But, of course, that’s just the beginning.

Once your floors have been pre-treated and agitated to break up any soil that is still trapped there, we will use a professional truck-mounted steam cleaning process that is free of any harmful chemicals and soaps to clean your carpet thoroughly. This steam cleaner ensures that the water reaches the optimal temperature for cleaning and disinfecting. Plus, it gets enough suction for the carpet to be adequately dried following the cleaning process, maintaining your carpet’s structure, thus maintaining its longevity.

The water that we use during this process is deionized, purified water that is free of any added minerals or contaminants. This means that your carpet is being cleaned with water that is cleaner than your tap!

Some other reasons to choose Carpet Tech’s hot water extraction process of cleaning include the following:

  • It will remove stains, allergens, pet dander, and bacteria and viruses
  • It is certified to clean any type of residential and commercial carpet
  • It is faster than the competition
  • It does not shrink or otherwise damage your carpet

If you care about the quality, cleanliness, and longevity of the carpets in your home or business, then it’s clear why shampooing is not the best option for you. Instead, let a skilled, IICRC-certified Carpet Tech technician take care of your floors!

Click here to get a quote, and if you’re unsure whether or not it’s time, we’ll help you decide with our fun, interactive quiz.

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