Spring Cleaning Room-by-room: Forgotten Areas

So far, we’ve helped you knock out spring cleaning chores in common areas of your home: the living areas, kitchen, and bathroom. But, spring cleaning is much more than the normal, week-to-week stuff. It’s also about getting to those hidden or forgotten areas of your home.

This weekend, make it a point to dedicate time to cleaning out these forgotten spaces in your home:

  • Closets (master closet, linen closets, kids’ closets, don’t skip one!)
  • Under the beds
  • Basement and/or attic
  • Garage

For each of these spaces, we’ll follow our 4-D Formula, with a twist: Donate, Dust, Disinfect, Delegate.


Because these areas tend to collect more junk and less clutter, we’re making step one Donate instead of Declutter. Spend time going through each item in these areas. Ask yourself the tough questions: Have you used this or worn this since last year? Is there a sentimental or functional reason for keeping it? If you answered “no” to both questions, it’s time to donate the item. If it’s in particularly rough shape, you can recycle or trash it.


Now that you’ve opened up storage space and shuffled items around, give the area a full dusting. Be sure to sweep and vacuum the area thoroughly to catch remaining particles. Dust thrives in closets, storage areas, and garages. You’ll be amazed how clean the area feels once you’re finished.


With the dust out of your way, you can efficiently disinfect all the shelving and surface areas. Treat your clothes, linens, and even your car to a fresh and clean environment.


As you begin to empty and clean-up these areas of your home, you may notice a bigger problem, unwelcome bugs or signs of an infestation. This is one task you’ll be more than happy to delegate! General pest control services from licensed professionals, like our sister company Bug Tech, can manage a number of unwelcome insects. Our professional team can also provide comprehensive treatment for your property to stop pests before they get inside your home.

Looking for general pest control services? It’s never been easier (or more rewarding!) to switch to Bug Tech. Request your Bug Tech pest control service today, and we’ll throw in a $50 gift card to Carpet Tech on your second treatment!

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