How Often Should I Strip & Re-wax My Tile Floors?

Vinyl composite tile (or VCT) — ever heard of it? It may be hard to picture now, but you’ve certainly stood on it at one time or another. VCT is typically installed in a number of different locations, including schools, hospitals, and some older homes. Its versatility and durability are what has made it a popular product for both residential and commercial applications over the years.
Over time, however, every surface becomes vulnerable in one way or another due to the high amount of traffic that it faces on a daily basis. This is where Carpet Tech comes in.


We offer a strip and wax service that is designed to breathe life back into your tile, saltillo, brick, and natural stone surfaces. Here’s how it works:

First, we apply a wax-removal solution that works hard to break down your floor’s old wax coating.

Next, we use a buffer with an abrasive pad to agitate and break up the old wax while the tile is saturated with cleaner.

After that, we’ll take a scraper and scrape up all of the harder-to-reach spots, such as corners, doors, or any other spots where the floor meets the walls.

Then, industrial equipment is used to remove the old wax before it dries again, at which point industrial fans will be used to remove any remaining moisture.

Once it’s all stripped and dried, down goes the new coat of wax. Depending on the condition of your floors, additional coats may be necessary.

Congrats, you have a floor that is shining like new!


We typically recommend that floors are professionally stripped and re-waxed every five to six months. Keeping them up to snuff is important, but don’t do it too often, as your floors are just going to be exposed to more traffic, more dirt, and more damage in that short period of time. This recommended time frame is good enough to keep the shine and also return it to a better hygienic standpoint. The longer that your floors go without professional cleaning, stripping, and re-waxing, the harder the damage will be to reverse.

Feel like it might be time to strip and re-wax your floors? Call Carpet Tech! We’re experienced and certified in every aspect of caring for hard surface flooring. Click below for your free estimate!

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