4 Signs Of Mold In Your Home

The rewards of purchasing an old house and transforming it into the home of your dreams are plenty. Utilizing an existing foundation in order to build something beautiful and truly unique can be an extremely satisfying experience.

The homeowners who have chosen a “fixer upper,” however, know that it’s not easy, and that many hidden obstacles abound.

One of the most frustrating of those sneaky obstacles is mold.

While it might sound like an easy fix, the truth is that mold spreads — quickly — and can be difficult to remove. An excess of mold in your home can cause chronic health problems, especially if the mold type is a toxic one.

Mold isn’t always easy to find and identify. Here are four signs you might need to hire a professional for a mold investigation.


When you’re searching for mold, the first step is to trust your nose. If your home contains enough mold for it to produce that telltale, musty odor, then you’ve got a significant growth of mold somewhere in your home. It’s not always obvious, however, where the growth is. This is when it’s time to call for help. Companies that specialize in mold remediation will be able to check areas that are commonly-associated with mold growth.


There are a few visual signs of mold in your home; one of them, of course, being the actual mold. If you see spots in your house that are greenish or black in tone and slimy in texture, there’s a good chance you’re looking at mold. Look carefully at spots that might seem like an overabundance of dirt or grime; many people confuse certain types of mold for simple dirt. If you can visually identify mold in your home, it’s likely that you have more mold than you can see. It’s time to call a professional.


Many Americans suffer from allergy symptoms, triggered by a wide range of different allergens. Mold allergies, however, present certain specific allergic circumstances. For instance, if you notice that your allergy symptoms get better while you are out of your home and resume once you return home, mold could easily be the culprit. Common allergy symptoms like itchy or burning eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and nasal congestion could potentially be caused by mold overgrowth in your home.


In order for mold to thrive it must have some sort of moisture as a food source. Mold depends on water in order to live, meaning that overly damp areas in your home can easily become targets for mold growth. If you suspect that your home has mold, look for areas with potential to spring leaks. Any areas with discoloration or water stains from past leakage or flooding should be carefully inspected.


Dealing with mold is far more extensive than a quick wipe-down with bleach water. By calling a professional company specialized in mold remediation, you can rest easier knowing that the mold will be dealt with as effectively as possible.

We utilize a 5-step mold remediation process here at Carpet Tech, which ensures that the mold is not only removed, but the source of it repaired to prevent further molding. We have the structural knowledge and skill to repair mold damage and bring that portion of your home back to its original, liveable state.

For a closer look at our 5-step process, please visit the Mold Remediation page on our website. If you suspect that your home has a mold problem, or if you simply have more questions, please feel free to give us a call at (806) 795-5142.

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